Different testing environmental conditions will have different impacts on products. The environmental reliability requirements for different parts of automobiles are different. For example, in terms of temperature environmental conditions, the upper part of the front instrument panel of an automobile is required to have a maximum temperature of 120 °C, the lower part 71 °C, and the passenger compartment floor area 105 °C, etc. Therefore, for automotive electronic products with different uses and installed in different positions, their environmental reliability testing conditions also vary. The following table lists the main environmental test items and testing conditions for some common automotive electronic products.
1、Testing object conditions and description of test equipment
2. List of Common Automotive Electronic Testing Standards
At present, there are numerous requirements and standards for environmental reliability testing of automotive electronic products worldwide. The commonly – used standards mainly include the ISO 16750 series, the EIA – 364 series, etc. GRGT (China National Radio & TV Metrology Testing) can provide automotive electronic testing services, as shown in the following table.
Post time: Nov-13-2024